Sunday, November 6, 2011

Through Thick and Thin

"Tell your mom thanks for not coming over" and for asking when will be the next get together early." my friend told my daughter . The message obviously coupled with sarcasm solicited a chuckle because I have a reputation  for being a kill joy.

Most of my classmates and friends are in the province .I am now based in the city where I work.  I only visit my mom during special occasions and good thing she understands. Earning a living had become my utmost priority. I rarely go out because that would entail spending  and lessening my quality time spent with my kids so  I only get updated when I visit facebook and saw that my friends had a get together and which  I would comment," Great, am not there again."

My friends had gotten used of my absence.When we had our first high school reunion after 25 years, I visited my  friend, Mira  who became a neighbor when we moved. She called me a vampire of some sort because it seems that 8:30 in the evening is a bit early to visit one's  friend. I  have gotten used to my nocturnal lifestyle due to  my work schedules that I  have forgotten I was in the province where most people have normal lifestyles. I told her to call our friend, Fides  so we can hang out which she unwillingly obliged. She called our common friend, even adding  that perhaps I really had become a vampire, and when she handed me the phone, our friend could not believe it was me. It was after all more than ten years that we talked the last time. She even asked if it was really me. In between laughs  I told her we are going to her place in ten  minutes and since I was telling her the truth, she has to serve the leche flan that she had prepared. Now how did i know she made one? Well I  just did. In less than ten  minutes we were there, eating the sumptuous leche flan and listening to their  colorful stories about their marriages, work and colleagues.  I just simply listen though I  shared some stories, still no one can beat these two, even then. What more, Fides gave us  giveaways and her gift I kept hanging at our front door since then.

I have to admit there were times I have lost touch with most of my friends. These were the years that I was unemployed, and was busy taking care of the kids. Perhaps I was ashamed of the life I had chosen then and decided to hide myself from any connection. When my marriage did not work out, these classmates and friends were the same people who helped me stayed sane, who told me to move on with my life. Bit by bit, I started to engage in direct selling.  I would  sell my products to them and coupled with stories and laughter in between was enough to forget my pain then. When I decided to work again, I  also thought of loosing tract of our friendships but at that time, I was focused  on earning a living to provide for my kids.

In a way , I knew they understood. Years have taught us that our priorities had changed but not the way we took care of each other. It may have been seldom that we have been together, and that absence was mostly on my part,  but the concern and thoughtfulness had grown over the years. And that  I have always been  grateful,  to all of them,  though I rarely had the time to tell.

So guys, when will be the next get together?

Update me ok.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm here from FTLOB! It's wonderful when you can reconnect with old friends and realize that you will always have that common ground to fall back on.
